Thursday 11 September 2014

MEND threatens to bomb Lagos judges over unsigned letters

A group claiming to be the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has given the judges at the probate section of the Lagos High Court 12 days within which to issue letters of administration to its members who applied for it.

The group which decried delay in the issuance of the letters, has threatened to launch coordinated attacks on the houses and vehicles of judges.

The group, in a statement signed by one Commander Wilberforce,  said the planned attacks was informed  by the continued failure of the judges to sign letters of administration of its deceased members years after it has been approved.

The group said it will begin to target and kill the judges if they do not take the necessary step to sign its members’ letters of administration.

It expressed suprise that the letters have not been signed several months after they were approved.

MEND accused judges of laziness and corruption having demanded bribe from its members severally before the letters of administration could be signed.

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