Friday 8 August 2014

John Dumelo Shops Wife, To Marry 2015

Top Ghanaian actor, John Dumelo, has disclosed on ‘Hanging Out with KOD show’ that he is now ready for marriage, which he hopes happens in 2015.

The actor explained that he is taking the step in order to end all the false stories about him dating various actresses.

"I want to get married hopefully next year. The false stories are too much and I want to spare myself from heartbreaks," he said.

According to the actor, he would like his kind of woman to be understanding and be able to take care of the house when he is not around.

"I want a woman who understands my career, one who is very religious, very supportive and can take care of the house," Dumelo explained.

Speaking about negative comments about him, John Dumelo said such comments have been what has been helping him forge ahead and also makes him a better person.

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