Thursday 7 August 2014

Ebola: Liberia Govt. begs Nigerians

The Liberian government has appealed to Nigerians  to show understanding to its citizens on the outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease.
A Liberian, Patrick Sawyer, imported the disease to Nigeria, which has led to the death of the matron who attended to him at a Lagos hospital. The doctor, who attended to the late Sawyer, has also tested positive to the virus. There are also other five cases of the virus.
Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria,  Prof. Al-Hassan Conteh, made the appeal yesterday during a meeting between Minister of Health Prof Onyebuchi Chukwu and foreign missions.

Conteh also informed the gathering of the efforts of his home government in containing the virus, which included the declaration of a state of emergency.
He also asked for protection for his people in Nigeria, stressing that reports have indicated that Liberians are being harassed.
He said: “The President of Liberia declared last night the state of emergency in Liberia effective August 6th, 2014  for 90 days to institute extra ordinary measures in combating this disease.
“The measures are indeed extra ordinary, even to the extent of under our constitution of curbing certain rights of individuals to pot this disease to an end.
“I would like to appeal for the indulgence of Nigerian government. The attention of our embassy has been brought to several cases of harassment of Liberians, especially in Lagos and other places.
 “The harassment is based on stereotyping, sometimes expression of collective guilt. I think as we combat this disease, I  would like to recommend that our responses in the public campaign to indicate that association is not causation.
 “So, that the index case came from Liberia does not mean all Liberians in Nigeria have Ebola. People have been harassed.
“I would like to commend the media; they have been very effective but there is one case I will like to bring to your attention, that is The Sun newspaper of Sunday, a cartoon, it is a very funny cartoon but it is based on this collective guilt we are talking about.
“The cartoon illustrates a plane that has just landed and people are running from the plane, and a man said: ‘There is a man who looks like a Liberian inside the aircraft, run, run, run, Ebola!’
“We join you in this fight and Liberia is playing its part but I would like to appeal to you because there are law abiding Liberians living with you here in Nigeria who have been harassed. So, I appeal for your indulgence as you frame your responses, especially on radio because people have been making derogatory remarks that have been brought to our attention.”

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