Tuesday 9 September 2014

Jonathan has done better than Obasanjo –Ezeife

Third Republic Governor of Anambra State, Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife, has said President Goodluck Jonathan deserves to be re-elected in 2015, stating that he has performed better than all his predecessors, in spite of the security challenges facing the country.
Ezeife, who said this during an interview with our correspondent, added that Jonathan’s administration had divine backing, which made it possible for it to survive all the onslaughts against it.
He said, “Jonathan comes from a tiny village and this gave them (PDP leadership) confidence to pick him as deputy governor because they believed he could not rock the boat.
“From there, he became governor; from there he became a person looked down upon as the Vice-President; from there he became President without election; and was then elected President and he has done better than any President of Nigeria in our living memory. Who would stop him from continuing in 2015?”

“Jonathan has done better than all the military heads of state and he has done better than all the civilian presidents that have ruled Nigeria. Look around, I’m not just talking, many of the almajiris that were on the street are now in schools; the railway that was dead is now running again. The people of some parts of Nigeria, that were considered as second class citizens are feeling like citizens again.”
The former governor added that it was unfair for the opposition, especially northern leaders, to criticise Jonathan, saying the President had been busy solving the problems created by his opponents.
He noted that some northern leaders who had promised to make Nigeria ungovernable had been working hard to fulfil their promise, saying Jonathan should be commended for the level of progress the country has made under his administration despite Boko Haram insurgency.
Ezeife urged Nigerians not to succumb to the antics of the opposition saying they are only against Jonathan because they believe he “should not be the President because he is not born to rule and they decided to make Nigeria ungovernable to prove that he cannot rule.”

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